You, as a mother, should work on being confident about who you are and what you want. Know that YOU are a living example and that YOU ARE the most important person and role-model in your children’s world. You are the one whom they look up to and imitate and follow.
Bored and depressed? Get involved and get out! Do acts of kindness and find things that bring you JOY!
Decide what NOT to do, when you tend to overdo!
Tape this saying to your fridge: “THIS TOO WILL PASS…”
Look for small opportunities to spend time alone with each child, even if only for a few minutes. This makes children feel very special.
Before your child goes to sleep at night tell him that you love him, and that you are the richest person in the world because you have a child like him. Watch his eyes light up…
Let your children know how precious, special, loved, and important they are. Tell them that as soon as they were born, you added an extra Shabbos candle, and thus the world became a brighter place because of them…
Don’t let your children become “emotional orphans.” It is possible to be home a lot and not really be there. Children won’t remember how clean the floor was, but they will remember the quality time that you spent with them.

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