Having four kids, I’m no stranger to temper tantrums—those of my kids, I mean. I’ve had my share of 2-year-old (and older) kids kicking and screaming in frustration on my kitchen floor.
Somehow, I can keep preparing dinner while looking objectively at the situation escalating right by my feet.

I can think to myself, “I know you’re angry because I’m not letting you hold whatever dangerous object you want this second. But I also know that I love you and that you love me, and it is because I love you that I’m not letting you hold that object. So this tantrum is a reflection of how strong our relationship really is. It does not alter the relationship. The relationship is there, and nothing can change that.
“When the storm passes (i.e., you’re able to live with the fact that you will not get that dangerous object from me), our relationship will revert back to the loving one that it has always been and will always be.

“As a loving parent, I can handle your tantrum because I know three things with absolute certainty: 1) the anger and the pain will pass; 2) what I did is for your own good; and 3) it’s a pure expression of our loving relationship. In fact, I can thank you, my screaming child, for reminding me at this heated moment exactly where we’re holding. I love you.”

Truth be told, sometimes I’m not in that objective position. Sometimes, I feel like I am the child having a tantrum. I want to yell and scream in frustration and anger to G‑d.
“I do not like what You did. I really do not like it, and I can’t stand the fact that You did that to me/those I love. I do not like You very much right now. I want You to feel my pain! It hurts and You are responsible for the pain. Actually, I tried as hard as I could to change your will about this, but You didn’t. And it makes me mad!”

And as I wipe the tears on my face, I remember what it’s like when I’m the parent. I could kick and scream at You all day, but somehow I stop. Exhausted from a futile attempt at kicking and screaming, and with a heart shattered in pieces, I feel once more that ours is a loving relationship. And even though I’m not grateful for the tears, I am still grateful for the love. I know where You and I are holding. Thank You.
Do you ever feel like you’re having a tantrum with G‑d?

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