Dear Reader,
It is truly amazing to be celebrating's fourth birthday. This past year was quite challenging, and many of us were personally affected. Financial difficulties required many to cut back, reprioritize and figure out what we really couldn't live without. And I am so grateful that you chose as one of the things you needed.
It is with the help of G‑d, and through your incredible support, that we made it to this point and can now celebrate another year! As I have said so many times before, this site is what it is because of you, our readers. We listen to your advice, your feedback and your suggestions, and create much of our content based on what you want.
This site is what it is because of youThis past year, our site more than doubled its readership and thousands more subscribed to our weekly magazine email (if you are not yet subscribed, please do so for free by clicking here). I have also started opening the emails with weekly editor notes, another great way for me to connect with you, and I thank you for the tremendous feedback you have sent me.
Once again, more than one hundred new authors joined the site during this past year, and we have expanded so many of our existing sections.
In honor of our fourth birthday, this week our featured selections are dedicated to celebrating the site. We are running the Top Ten Articles from 2009, which demonstrates the wide range of issues and topics that we deal with head on. And for our "side articles" we treat you to an amazing blast from the past–articles from the very first month our site went live back in 2006!
We reflect on the past, while simultaneously building towards the future.
Please feel free to post a comment below as to what means to you. We value your opinions and we value each and every one of you. Please continue to partner with us in creating a site for every and any Jewish woman!
With Love and Respect,
Sara Esther Crispe
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