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Nimrod: Powerful king of Shinar (Babylon) referenced in Genesis 10:8-10. According to the Midrash, he deified himself and cast Abraham into a fiery furnace when he refused to renounce his faith in monotheism. (Abraham was miraculously saved.) Also according to the Midrash, he was Amraphel, one of the four kings whom Abraham battled (Genesis 14).
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Before you go calling me names, it’s only fair that you familiarize yourself with all the details . . .
Birth of the Twins, Jacob and Esau Grow Up, Abraham’s Death, Esau Kills Nimrod, Jacob Buys the Birthright, Isaac Goes To Philistina
Conceit of the People, Their Punishment, Nimrod
The Two Rivals
Nimrod, a mighty king, feared a rival would arise. When a star signaled the birth of a potential challenger, he ordered all newborn boys killed, including Abraham.
Abram’s Family, Abram’s Birth, Nimrod’s Attempt on Abram’s Life, Young Abram Recognizes G-d, Abram Destroys the Idols, In Nimrod’s Hands, The Miracle in the Furnace, G-d Commands and Promise to Abram, Abram’s Obedience
Abraham's early life, marked by faith and defiance of idolatry, saw him survive Nimrod's furnace, receive G‑d's covenant, and settle in Canaan at the age of 75.
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