
Hair Covering

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Hair Covering: The practice that married women cover their hair
Encountering my old friend, I saw that it wasn’t too late, that someone else could leave religious life and survive, even appear to thrive. So a new question arose in my mind: What is keeping me here?
By covering her hair, the Jewish married woman makes a statement: "I am not available. You can see me but I am not open to the public. Even my hair, the most obvious and visible part of me, is not for your eyes."
A deeper look at the meaning of this sacred tradition.
An exploration into the social, psychological, spiritual and mystical power and lure of hair and why married Jewish women wear wigs, even natural and beautiful ones, to cover their hair.
When did married Jewish women begin covering their hair? What are the sources and reasons behind this commandment? Why specifically the hair? And what can we learn from this about growing in our relationship with G-d?
Why married women cover their hair
A revealing, Kabbalistic, view of hair. New light on why a married woman, in Torah, covers her hair.
The inner beauty of hair-covering
In this inspirational talk, Shaindy Jacobson sheds light on the inner dignity of Jewish femininity with personal stories and anecdotes.
The story of a journey to self
Tamar Maerim-Yunger describes her personal journey to Torah-true Judaism, and reflects on what covering her hair means to her.
The problem is, I love my hair. It's thick and dark black, with a natural wave. My hair makes me feel beautiful, spunky and adventurous. It's as much a part of who I am as my name. So you can understand why I'm not so quick to cover it up...
Blessings from Above and Blessings from Below
Displaying patience and uncanny sensitivity to the psychological and sociological issues at play, the Rebbe persisted in his efforts. Eventually, it paid off. By the late 1960s, wearing a wig was the norm in most Orthodox circles.
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