
Ushpizin, The

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Ushpizin, The: (Aramaic, lit. “honored guests”); seven leading figures in Jewish history who make noncorporeal visits to our sukkot on the holiday of that name
The Supernal Sukkot Guests
Who are the ushpizin (the saintly guests who visit the Sukkah), what is the connection to Sukkot, and what is the deeper meaning behind this mystical tradition?
2nd Day Chol Hamoed Sukkos, 5751 • October 7, 1990
My father-in-law, the Rebbe, revealed that in addition to the seven ushpizin, or supernal guests that visit the sukkah on each night of the festival, there are also seven chasidic ushpizin. In Lubavitch we have fourteen!
Leading the delegation of ushpizin on the fourth day of Sukkot is Moshe. Understanding the special qualities of 4th day, and the connection to the chassidic ushpiz, the Mitteler Rebbe.
Leading the delegation of ushpizin on the fifth day of Sukkot is Aharon. Understanding the special qualities of 5th day, and the connection to the chassidic ushpiz, the Tzemach Tzedek
Leading the delegation of ushpizin on the third day of Sukkot is Yaakov our patriarch. Understanding the special qualities of 3rd day, and the connection to the chassidic ushpiz, the Alter Rebbe.
Leading the delegation of ushpizin on the seventh day of Sukkot is King David. Understanding the special qualities of 7th day, and the connection to the chassidic ushpiz, the Rebbe Rashab.
Leading the delegation of ushpizin on the sixth day of Sukkot is Yosef the Tzaddik. Understanding the special qualities of 6th day, and the connection to the chassidic ushpiz, the Rebbe Maharash.
Leading the delegation of ushpizin on the second day of Sukkot is Yitzchak our patriarch. Understanding the special qualities of 2nd day, and the connection to the chassidic ushpiz, the Maggid of Mezritch.
Leading the delegation of ushpizin on the first day of Sukkot is Avraham our patriarch. Understanding the special qualities of 1st day, and the connection to the chassidic ushpiz, the Baal Shem Tov.
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