
Heaven & Hell

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Gehinnom (15)
An overview of fundamental Jewish beliefs concerning reward and the afterlife
Yes, Jews believe in an afterlife in a world beyond the one you’re currently living in—sometimes referred to as “heaven.” A rich tradition informs us that there is a sequel to this life that makes sense of everything you’re going through in this installme...
Life really is all about shopping
Your soul came into this world to shop. Heaven is one big party, and you’d better arrive dressed in style. Don’t take my word on this. Take the Mishnah. It compares our world to a kind of powder room, where you fancy yourself up before walking into the gr...
It’s all about perspective
A Jewish perspective on the nature of heaven and hell, and the reward and punishment for the soul when divested of a physical body.
Is it true that if you commit suicide, you won't go to heaven? But if there is no Jewish hell, where will you go?
Sometimes you need to see things in your mind's eye; sometimes you need to close your eyes and see things with your soul...
This stimulating talk presents the Jewish perspective on the soul, afterlife, reincarnation and resurrection.
I've committed a number of sins over the years; am I going to burn in Hell?
Will I go there simply because I don’t observe the Shabbat, Jewish holidays or the laws of kosher?
a) Various sources suggest that Gehinom, Purgatory, is a physical place, somewhere deep beneath the earth's surface, where the souls of the wicked are punished. For example, the Midrash in Pirkei D'Rabbi Eliezer (10) says, "The whale that swallowed Jonah ...
Where do we go? What is heaven and hell? Do we ever get sent back for a second life? Is there any way to make contact with a departed loved one?
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