
Joshua Stops the Sun

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Miracle Repeated, The Fall of Jericho, Conquest by Strategy, Mt. Gerizim and Mt. Ebal, The Gibeonites Sue for Peace, The Sun Stands Still On Gibeon
Why do we chant the blessing only when the sun arrives at its point of origin? Why don't we bless G‑d for the sun every day?
1273 BCE
On the third of Tammuz of the year 2488 from creation (1273 BCE), Joshua was leading the Jewish people in one of the battles to conquer the Land of Israel. Victory was imminent, but darkness was about to fall. "Sun," proclaimed Joshua, "be still at Giv'on...
On Shabbat, Tammuz 3, 5751 (June 15, 1991), the Lubavitcher Rebbe spoke about the paradox of “natural miracles,” citing three examples of this phenomenon—one from the day’s Torah reading of Korach, and two which occurred on this date: Aaron’s blossoming s...
Decoding the hidden messages
The parshah of Korach contains 95 verses, and the mnemonic for it is the name Daniel. Explore the coded message in this Masoretic note and its connection to the general themes of the Parshah.
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