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Tena'im (6)
Aufruf (5)
The engagement period is a spiritually crucial period. Read all the laws and customs associated with this time, as well as information which will help you plan your meaningful Jewish wedding.
Does Judaism have a designated engagement period?
Question: In less than a month I'm going to get married to the most wonderful man G‑d could bless me with. For the past week I have been getting attacked with doubts. Is this normal? Answer: First of all, mazel tov! May your wedding take place at an auspi...
The Mother of the Bride: A Diary
Dear Daughter: I've waited for this moment since the day you were born some twenty years ago. And yet, I feel thoroughly and utterly unprepared...
My fiancée is uncomfortable with it, and I'm not so excited about it myself. But everyone does it so I feel silly refusing. Is there a Jewish approach to bachelor parties?
Question: I have a daughter who just got engaged. My older but not yet married daughter has been looking for some time already to get married, but with no success. As a result, there is so much jealousy, hurt and pain. No one is talking to each other and ...
Had Isaac and Rebecca met in the modern age, their courtship might have looked something like this. Isaac would notice Rebecca at the well . . .
I have been dating a wonderful guy for a few months now and we are getting quite serious. Yet there is one huge problem. My parents are completely against the relationship...
I'm getting married in a couple of months, but I'm riddled with doubts: Have I made the right decision? How can I know for sure? Some nights I just lie awake wondering...
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