Marriages Forbidden to a KohenKnowledge Base » Torah, The » Halacha (Torah law) » Halachic Concepts & Issues » Forbidden Marriages » Marriages Forbidden to a Kohen
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Parshat Acharei
This article explores the Torah’s rules regarding whom one may and may not marry.
A Kohen's heightened level of holiness, as well as his leadership role, places limits on the women he may marry.
A woman wanted to marry a Kohen, but the marriage was prohibited by Torah. We looked for a loophole, but there was none. After explaining all this to her, I continued (name changed to protect privacy): Since, besides being a rabbi that answers question, I...
If the Torah tells us that a particular union is not kosher, rather than resenting the interference we should consider it as if the Almighty Himself came down and whispered a word of loving advice in our ears: "Trust me; this one is not right for you..."
Not Every Attack Deserves a Response
To question the legitimacy of someone’s marriage is to cut right to the bone. That is what happened when a leader of the Tribe of Simeon – a man we later discover Numbers 25:14. went by the name of Zimri ben Salu – faced off against Moses over his asserti...
A Lesson in Remaining One People Despite Our Differences
What do you do if you’re celebrating with friends, and the man who opposes you turns up at the party?
If I am a fully fledged Jew like any other, why am I not good enough to marry into the priestly tribe?
Contemporary Halachah and Kitzur Shulchan Aruch
By the Grace of G‑d 19th of Sivan, 5717 [June 18, 1957] Brooklyn, N.Y. Greeting and Blessing: This is in reply to your letter, in which you write about the case of the Cohen who is contemplating marrying a divorcee. I am surprised that there should be any...
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