
Miracle of Purim, The

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Pur (5)
The Book of Esther (Megillah) in Brief
The characters of the Purim story come alive in this brief rendition of the miraculous tale. See G-d's delivering hand veiled behind a fascinating story of palace intrigue...
The Scroll of Esther tells the story of Purim, but many of the details appear only in the oral tradition handed down through the generations by the Sages.
The Animated Purim Story
A virtuous heroine. A wicked villain. It’s the ancient, true story of Queen Esther, brought vividly to life in a delightfully educational way.
This is a story about G‑d miraculously saving us. If so, why do we leave Him out of the story?
Megillat Esther, “The Scroll of Esther,” is a firsthand account of the events of Purim, written by the heroes themselves—Esther and Mordechai. By special request of Esther to the Sanhedrin, the Megillah was included as one of the 24 books of the biblical ...
Who says puppets are just for kids? Learn the Purim story, plus a life-lesson from an adorable team of animated puppets.
R. Aryeh Levin, known as the “tzaddik [saint] of Jerusalem,” was legendary for his selfless dedication in assisting his fellow Jews, whether the sick, the poor, or those suffering under the British regime during the Mandate of Palestine (1920–1948). Links...
Do I have to get drunk on Purim?
I’m going to sound like a nerd, but I’m not. Do I have to drink on Purim?
Moses’ task of nurturing his flock’s faith expresses itself in its fullest at those times when we are “crushed.” For it is then that the essential faith kicks into highest gear and activates incredible luminescent displays of commitment to G-d.
Purim doesn't have any blockbuster miracle to celebrate. In the Purim story, things turned out positively, and we chose – we had the consciousness and vision – to see it as a miracle.
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