
Matanot LaEvyonim (Gifts to the Poor on Purim)

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One of the four mitzvahs of Purim is to give matanot la’evyonim, “presents to [two] poor people.”
The mitzvah of Matanot LaEvyonim on five levels
Matanot LaEvyonim
One of the four special mitzvot to observe on the day of Purim is giving gifts to the poor. Why is this practice termed "gifts" (matanot) to the poor and not "charity" (tzedakah) as we might expect?
A Purim Lesson
This woman is like a bottomless cup of coffee. I give, and she wants more, and I give more, and she’ll want even more. I sincerely do feel badly for her. But I am equally scared to let a person who is in chronic, desperate need become dependent on me . . ...
Brush up on your Purim facts with this fun and simple quiz!
If the past year has taught us anything, it’s that when there’s a will, there’s a way. And since G‑d certainly wills it, it’s up to us to find that way.
Important things to keep in mind for before and during Purim.
Contrasting Three of the Purim Mitzvahs
This class deeply analyzes various passages where Maimonides describes the parameters for observing three of the special Purim mitzvahs: rejoicing at a feast, sending food gifts to friends, and giving monetary gifts to the poor. (Based on Likutei Sichos v...
Laws, Customs, Insights
Prepare for Purim with a quick overview of a) the practical laws (halacha) of Purim, b) the Megillah story, and c) insights into the deeper meaning of the holiday.
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