Oneg (Pleasure)Knowledge Base » Torah, The » Kabbalah & Chassidism; Mysticism » Kabbalah » Kabbalistic Concepts & Terms » Sefirot, The (seven, ten) » Keter » Oneg (Pleasure)
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Oneg (Pleasure): delight (particularly, spiritual delight)
G‑d laughs. A blissful laugh. A laugh that resounds throughout the universe. “There is nothing beyond bliss,” states the ancient Book of Formation (2:4). Bliss is the origin of all being, the source of all life, the meaning behind all that occurs. And wha...
“There is nothing beyond bliss,” states the ancient Book of Formation (2:7). Bliss is the origin of all being, the source of all life, the meaning behind all that occurs.
Is it inconceivable that the Sages would deprive all of Israel of the benefits afforded by one of the greatest mitzvot we have—simply on account of a few ignorant souls who might otherwise err?
Ethics 4:17
The world, the sages tell us, is made of pleasure. Pleasure condenses and contracts and becomes Wisdom. Wisdom condenses further and becomes Understanding...
Shabbat enables us to access the all-encompassing quality of delight
Shabbat enables us to access the all-encompassing quality of delight
A fascinating journey to discover the difference between pleasure and happiness according to Chassidic thought.
A chassidic exploration of our relationship with G-d and why our mitzvot matter
Drawing primarily on the teachings of the second, fifth and seventh Rebbes of Chabad, a discussion of the nature and interplay of pleasure and desire casts new light on why our mitzvot are so meaningful before G-d.
An educator should first remove a pupil's most dangerous deficiency.
An educator should first remove a pupil's most dangerous deficiency.
On Simchat Torah, the elation we draw down is beyond the intellect.
On Simchat Torah, the elation we draw down is beyond the intellect.
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