Eliezer Wenger |
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19. If one who needs to say Yizkor is in a place where there is no minyan, he can nevertheless say it aloneRabbi Aryeh Levin, The Yizkor Handbook page 54. 20. Whereas in Eretz Yisrael one may not sit in a sukkah on Shemini Atzeres, in the diaspora, some a...
45. If one will be saying Selichos without a minyan, then he should not say the 13 Midos Harachamim — the Thirteen Attributes of Mercy — or any references to them, such as “uzechor lanu hayom bris shelosh esrei.” He also needs to omit the requests which a...
8. During the Aseres Yemei Teshuvah — Ten Days of Repentence — many have the custom of adding Chapter 130 of Tehilim (“Shir Hama’alos”) after “Yishtabach.” If one who has this custom finds himself in a location where this is not inserted, he should nevert...
66. According to a number of Halachic authorities one is required by Torah law to listen to Parshas Zachor the Shabbos before Purim and Parshas Parah the Shabbos before Parshas Hachodeshשו"ע או"ח סי' תרפ"ה סעי' ז' ועיין עוד בנושא כליו ליתר פרטים. Therefor...
94. If one will be saying Selichos without a minyan, then he should not say the 13 Midos Harachamim — the Thirteen Attributes of Mercy — or any references to them, such as “uzechor lanu hayom bris shelosh esrei.” He also needs to omit the requests which a...
22. The inhabitants of Eretz Yisrael start saying the words “vesein tal umatar leverachah” (ותן טל ומטר לברכה) in the berachah of “Bareich aleinu” in Shemoneh Esrei on the 7th of Mar-Cheshvan. Those who live outside of Eretz Yisrael do not start saying th...
104. One who will be traveling during the month of Elul should not forget to take along with him a shofar and a Selichos. 105. One whose custom is to say “Ledavid G-d ori” after Minchah who is davening in a shul where this is said after Ma’ariv should say...
Eating in a sukkah 10. Those who are on a trip do not have to eat in a sukkah while they are actually traveling. That means that if they are traveling during the day hours, but stop for the night, they are not required to eat in a sukkah during the day. A...
99. One who will be leaving on a trip during the week of Tisha Be’av is permitted to give clothing to a non-Jew to wash, so that he will have clean clothes to wear for the shabbosim that he will be on the tripמשנה ברורה סימן תקנ"א ס"ק ל"ט. 100. One who is...
90. During the period that the Omer is counted one should avoid any travel which involves crossing the International Date Lineשערי הלכה ומנהג ח"ב דף קס"א, אהלך באמיתך פרק ל"ד: אות י"א. If one needs to fly during that time to a place that is on the other s...
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