Eliezer Wenger |
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The synogouge is a holy place some laws on how one should conduct themselves
"Thou shall not steal." Some of the precepts that are included in this prohibition.
Making a blessing before eating is how we acknowledge the creator who provides us with the food; now that you know the why, read of the what and how
The basic laws of how to fulfill this important mitzvah.
Halichos Mordechai
A Halachic guide and handbook for the Jewish traveler
The Laws of the Blessing of Thanksgiving
The blessing of thanksgiving recited when one is saved from tragedy with its attendant laws and particulars
What is Amen? When to recite Amen; when to refrain from saying amen; the laws of Yehie shmie Rabbah
On Purim we emphasize the importance of Jewish unity and friendship by sending gifts of food to friends. We send a gift of at least two kinds of ready-to-eat foods (e.g., pastry, fruit, beverage), to at least one friend on Purim day.
When we awaken in the morning, we immediately recognize and appreciate the kindness G-d has done with them.
Machatzit HaShekel
In commemoration of the custom in the Holy Temple to give charity towards its building, we give coins half the value of the countrie's currency once a year
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