
Zechariah ben Iddo

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Zechariah ben Iddo: (4th century BCE) A contemporary of Haggai and Malachi, the last prophets, prophesied during the construction of the Second Temple.
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351 BCE
"On the 24th day of the 11th month, which is the month of Shevat, in the second year of the reign of Darius, the word of G-d came to Zachariah the son of Berechiah the son of Ido the prophet, saying: '...I will return to Jerusalem in mercy, my house will ...
For an informed reading of Zechariah 2:14–4:7
In the final years before the the Babylonian Exile, there were some very difficult exchanges between true prophets and their false counterparts.
For an informed reading of Zechariah 2:14–4:7
We begin by reading a description of a heavenly drama quite surreal in nature . . .
Talmud Stories of Tragic Destruction
This class conveys chilling details of the Roman massacre that ensued upon the defeat of the stronghold Judean city Beitar, causing the countryside to literally run red in Jewish blood. We then turn back centuries earlier to a shocking narrative of horrif...
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