
Clergy; Religious Offices

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Rabbi Henry Isaacs served as rabbi on Bangor, Maine, for close to forty years. In 1958, he was a rabbinical student at Yeshiva University, and was engaged to be married. He had plans to enter the Armed Forces and join the Air Force. His father wouldn’t ag...
If it is the rabbi who leads his congregation as its spiritual leader, are the laymen able to effectively add to this?
Parshat Tzav
In Jewish law, we find that certain positions are passed from father to son, provided that the son is worthy of filling his father's post, while other positions are not inherited. This article will explore this issue.
What is the function of a rabbi? What is his purpose and mission? What is he there to accomplish? I would imagine that if you would ask three different rabbis you would probably get three unique responses.
Are “rav” and “rabbi” not synonyms? And why do I need a personal rav? Isn’t it one Torah for everyone?
A Brief History of Rabbinic Ordination (Semicha)
The word rabbi means “my master” in Hebrew. A rabbi is a religious leader of Jewish people. Some rabbis lead congregations (synagogues), others are teachers, and yet others lead informally. Rabbinic ordination is known as semichah. In common parlance, a r...
Why Rebecca went all the way to Tzefat to ask her question
Why Rebecca went all the way to Tzefat to ask her question
The community leaders infomed R. Shmelke that they had a special custom: every new rabbi was expected to add a new rule or custom to the chronicles of the community
Shmuel I assume that your question comes from the understanding that living in this world, most jobs or responsibilities require us to report to someone in one way or another. The banker reports to his bank manager, the mailman reports to the postmaster, ...
At a ceremony marking the recent ordination of new rabbis at the Chabad-Lubavitch yeshiva in Antwerp, Belgium, the festivities placed a spotlight on the city's business leaders.
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