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Our natural human desire to get close to G-d sometimes leads us to pursue methods of religious ecstasy. Yet our human desire to be close to G-d may well be at odds with G-d’s divine desire to be close to us.
Why you need a body to be spiritual
Great spiritual treasures lie hidden in the most material aspects of our world—a unique chassidic perspective on physicality.
Religious sensitivity is key to wholesome healing
The early development of psychiatry led to medical reductionism, allowing no place for a positive interchange with religion and spirituality. But modern advances show that a sympathetic understanding of a patient's religious orientation greatly increases ...
Reconciling the Mystical and the Legal Traditions within Judaism
Is there tension between spirituality and law? At first glance, it may seem difficult to reconcile the mystical and legalistic traditions within Judaism as represented by kabbalistic and Talmudic texts respectively. Professor Sandman offers an integrated ...
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