Prayer Book; Siddur |
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The Prayer Book
The Siddur is the traditional Jewish prayer book, containing the three daily prayers; also the prayers for Shabbat, Rosh-Chodesh and the festivals. "Siddur" means "order," for in the prayer book we find our prayers in their proper and fixed order. Sometim...
Siddur Illuminated by Chassidus - Weekday Shacharis
Climb the ladder of passionate davening with the first English Siddur to feature insights of Chassidus into the meanings of the words on every page.
Understanding Prayer
Exploring the history of prayer, the structure of the siddur, and the morning blessings.
The Arizal’s Prayer Liturgy - Redacted by Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi
For some seventy years chasidim had noted the variations in the chasidic liturgy in the margins of their traditional Ashkenaz prayer books. Of course this situation was far from ideal, and led to all kinds of liturgical and grammatical inaccuracies. Rabbi...
Yet it wasn’t until a few years later that I learned how to connect to the formal Jewish prayers. Staying over at a friend’s house for Shabbat, I was completely embarrassed when she handed me a prayerbook. I sat on the sofa, pretending to read the Hebrew ...
The power of the Maariv prayer
Slowly and deliberately, the blue sky gives way to the most breathtaking artwork. As if with giant strokes of an invisible brush, G‑d sets the sky as His canvas. He begins softly, gently tinting some distant clouds, but He does not stop for a moment . . .
This is quality time spent honing my emotions, refocusing my mind, reinvigorating my trust, and readjusting the compass of my life. By the time I’m through, I can feel spirituality pulsating throughout my being...
I remember those moments, sitting there on my daddy’s lap watching the thumbnail marks gradually spreading over the page. That piece of time is crystallized in my memory. I can still replay the fascination with the idea that those thumbnail marks were cre...
Praying cannot be confined to moments of inspiration or desperation - praying only when one is moved by events and "feels like" praying
At first, I was awed by his courage. But the next day I realized, to my horror, that this man was “renting out” the siddur to people in exchange for bread . . .
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