
Daled Bavos

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12 Tammuz, 5740-1980
The Niggun of Four Stanzas, attributed to the Alter Rebbe. This Niggun is only sung on solemn occasions, such as a wedding.
Chassidim sing the Alter Rebbe's "Niggun of Four Stanzas."
A deep meditative Niggun attributed to the Alter Rebbe. It is sung only on special occasions.
11 Nissan, 5744 • April 13, 1984
This Niggun, composed by the Alter Rebbe, is sung only on special, holy occasions.
Farbrengen, 19 Kislev, 5744 • November 25, 1983
A Niggun composed by the Alter Rebbe. The song has four stanzas, and each raises the singer and listener to the next spiritual realm.
Sacred Chassidic nuggunim sung at the conclusion of major farbrengens.
Chasidim sing a nigun composed by Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, the Alter Rebbe.
At a farbrengen marking the liberation of the Alter Rebbe, chasidim sing the nigun of Four Stanzas composed by the Alter Rebbe.
The Nigun of Four Stanzas, composed by the Alter Rebbe.
On the eve of 24 Teves, the Rebbe conducts a special farbrengen in honor of the 150th year since the passing of Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, the founder of Chabad Chasidism.
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