
Maccabees, The

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Maccabees, The: The Jewish army that revolted against the Syrian-Greek occupation in 139 BCE, whose miraculous victory culminated in the festival of Chanukah. Their name is an acronym of their battle cry, whose Hebrew words mean “who is likened unto You amongst all powers, O, G-d.”
13 Facts About the Hanukkah Heroes
The Maccabees were Jewish fighters who led the revolt against the Syrian Greek ruling class. Their victory is celebrated every year on Hanukkah.
When we kindle our Chanukah candles each year, the light that glows is the spirit of faith and determination of the Maccabees.
Judah the Maccabee and his siblings
Who hasn’t heard of Judah the Maccabee? But what do you know about his four brothers, or his brave and wise sister?
The word has become synonymous with the small band of Jewish freedom fighters who freed Judea from the Syrian-Greek occupiers…
The Greeks brought culture, rationalism, geometry, drama, and appreciation of beauty. What point is there in celebrating the victory of those who resisted progress?
What did the Greeks really want from the Jews? Did all Jews agree with the Macabes, and other Chanukah thoughts.
A Chanukah Story
The ceremony marking the beginning of the school year was held in a local church. When I went to speak with the college president about this non-inclusive choice of venue, he answered me with a kindly smile . . .
A Chanukah Lesson
The Jewish people—men and women—defied every Greek law with enormous self-sacrifice, yet it was largely by and for the sake of Jewish women that the Maccabees were led to declare war . . .
The Chanukah Story
This action-filled radio play portrays the miracle of Chanukah as a victory of Jewish spirit over the forces of assimilation.
Discover the historical backdrop to the Chanukah story and what truly led to the Maccabean uprising. Finally, we uncover why this backstory remains little known.
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