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I think the solution to elevating life lies in a box of raisins. It lies in being fully present and noticing the tiny nuances that take place in every bite of our lives . . .
There is a time-hallowed custom to taste the Shabbat food on Friday afternoon to ensure it properly spiced and not burned.
Explore the difference between sight and taste as experienced in our spiritual pursuits.
The short and simple answer is that another name for matzah is lechem oni—“poor man's bread” or “bread of poverty.”
Reb Avigdor caught a whiff of the cholent, tasted it, then tasted it again, and again—until he finished it all.
On Rosh Hashanah we eat apples and honey for a sweet new year. Why specifically apples and honey?
In Hilchos Talmud Torah 1:1, the Alter Rebbe writes: When is a father obligated to begin teaching his son [verses from the Torah]? When [the son] knows how to speak. He should teach him the verses: Torah Tzivah Lanu Moshe and Shema Yisrael. As a child pro...
3 methods of healing: new look at spiritual strength.
3 methods of healing: new look at spiritual strength.
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