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Yamim Nora'im (Days of Awe) or High Holy Days
October 2-4 & October 11-12, 2024
A High Holiday Guide for those in the Fast Lane
If life is a space odyssey then the High Holidays are home base. That's where you came from, where you're directed from and where you return for full-service maintenance. Here's a guide to doing it on Planet Earth.
How we access divine mercy on the High Holidays
A central theme in the High Holiday prayers are the Thirteen Attributes of Mercy. Discover their deeper significance, mystical meaning and the powerful energy uncovered in calling forth G-d’s mercy.
Preparing Ourselves Spiritually for the High Holidays
We are all familiar with the themes of regret, repentance and confession associated with this time of year, yet there’s a more integral element we must first embrace if we want these days to truly be meaningful. (Filmed at Aventura Chabad in Miami, Florid...
Merging intimacy and awe in the High Holiday prayers
The High Holidays are often approached with fear, but a closer look reveals an inner core of divine intimacy along with human empowerment and illumination.
Three Themes of the High Holidays
This series examines three major themes of the days of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur: 1) the coronation of G-d, 2) a time of judgment, and 3) a time for repentance.
A Pre-High Holidays lecture
Five key steps to Teshuvah – how to re-invent yourself – in 21st Century language.
Jewish New Year’s Message from Itche Kadoozy
Rabbi Itche Kadoozy attempts to deliver a Rosh Hashanah message. 255 times.
Children are never too young to learn the valuable lessons of forgiveness and transformation. Here's a list of creative activities to bring home to your children the valuable lessons of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.
Day of Divine Forgiveness
A unique opportunity for Oneness
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