L'David Hashem Ori (Psalm 27) |
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Chapter 27 of Psalms begins, "By David: The Lord is my Light!" and is known by the Hebrew words, "L'David Hashem Ori." This psalm is customarily recited twice a day starting a month before Rosh Hashanah. What is the deeper meaning of this prayer and what ...
1By David. The Lord is my light and my salvation. Consequently, whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? 2When evildoers come upon me to devour my flesh, my foes and my adversaries, it is they who stumble and fa...
LeDovid Hashem Ori: “G-d is My Light”
Psalm 27’s prophetic poetic prose encapsulate the soul’s yearning; seeming to organically reflect Elul energy and this spiritually saturated season. Yet, while the practice of adding it to daily prayers appears to be ancient, cherished and timeworn, the e...
The earliest mention of the custom seems to be the work Sefer Shem Tov Katan, published in 1706.
King David's Fortifying Faith
The festivals of the High Holiday season pluck every string of our being, from introspection to commitment to solemnity to joy. The key to these diverse experiences is the opening line of Psalm 27: “G‑d is my light.”
Some of the special Elul practices (see entries and links for tomorrow, Elul 1) begin today. The psalm L'David Hashem Ori (Psalm 27) is recited at the end of the morning and afternoon prayers; this special addition is recited throughout the month of Elul ...
King David acknowledges and praises God, placing his trust in Him because of his victories in war. "Nevertheless, it is not wars that I desire, for I cannot gain perfection with them. Only one thing do I ask: to abide day and night in the study hall study...
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