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Cremation (21)
Why is cremation forbidden? Does it have a source in Jewish tradition? Is it against the Jewish religion to be cremated?
Why you should bury your loved one the Jewish way
Who are funerals for, the dead or the living?
A Jewish View
Author Doron Kornbluth, who spent over three years studying the subject, talks about the reasons some people choose cremation, and explains why throughout history Judaism and Jews have insisted on burial.
Six million of our people were denied proper burial, most of them cremated. Should we willfully continue that which our enemies began?
Judaism's position on cremation touches on some of its most basic and principal beliefs. This article offers a detailed explanation reagrding the origins of this prohibitions, as well as the implications of such an act.
My grandmother recently revealed that she intends to be cremated. This disturbed me, as I know Judaism doesn't allow cremations, but I'm not sure why. What should I tell her?
We need to talk about it because there is a crisis, and it’s getting worse.
My hope is that this letter, an artifice to ease my double grief over your death and cremation, will reach other Jews in the same plight, children and parents.
Question: My father was buried in a Jewish cemetery under the observance of a rabbi in a single grave of dual plots. My mother, who is even less observant, has chosen to be cremated with no religious observance. This is my question: Her demise is imminent...
She calls this her “ultimate artwork”—having her body cremated after she dies and then compressed to form a diamond . . .
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