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From the host country of the 2010 World Cup Soccer tournament -- South Africa -- comes a close-up examination of the tournament and its spiritual lessons.
What is it about team sports that we so appreciate?
Is it the competitive aspect, the vicarious exercise, the thrill of "our team" winning, the camaraderie as we cheer or groan together, or is it simply something we do to kill time?
Large, round object. Move it towards the goal. Outmaneuver those big, burly guys trying to stop you. Be quick. Use your feet. Sounds familiar? Sounds like my life
Running and tackling, beating every challenge, winning the World Cup of soccer or football everyday of our lives
The opponent brings out our desire to win
The world is round like a ball. Yerushalmi, Avodah Zarah, 3:1. The ball, or globe, is given to every Jew, as the TalmudSanhedrin 37a. tells us that each person should say, “The world was created for my sake.” The purpose of life is to bring the globe into...
Chabad in Dutch city steps up during shocking attacks
Late Thursday night, hundreds of supporters of the Israeli soccer club Maccabi Tel Aviv were chased, attacked and beaten on the streets of downtown Amsterdam in what appears to have been pre-planned, following the Israeli team’s UEFA Europa League soccer ...
The remarkable story of Sholem Benchimol.
I told my coach to pick someone else to play on Saturday.
Cape Town, South Africa
Chabad of Cape Town, South Africa demonstrates how to play the spiritual game of soccer as the goal being to better the world around us.
Watch Tomer Hemed score a goal and see how he celebrates!
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