Passing of AaronKnowledge Base » People & Events » History » Biblical Events » Five Books of Moses (Biblical Events) » Passing of Aaron
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The clouds represented everything that Aaron stood for—millions of people can be shielded by the same cloud, unlike food or water that can’t be shared by even two people simultaneously. Like the clouds, Aaron protected and cherished everyone equally...
Why do we not find that the return of the clouds was requested after Aharon's passing, nor any mention of their return in scripture?
Miriam’s Death, The People Grumble Again, The Sin of Moses and Aaron, Aaron’s Death, The Brazen Serpent
We really should not have to die at all, despite Adam's sin. And G-d, so to speak, is sensitive to this. It "embarrasses" Him...
Learning Likutei Sichos vol. 18, Chukas (sicha 3)
What happened to the Clouds of Glory after the passing of Aharon? We don’t find mention of them returning—like with the well of water following the passing of Miriam.
This week we find something incredible: the actual date of this Shabbat is mentioned in the Torah portion! And it refers to the passing of Aaron the High Priest. There is a profound message here for us and this is the antidote and cure for the time of mou...
Aaron personified kindness. His life’s work was the endless and vigorous promotion of peace.
Learning Likutei Sichos vol. 18, Massei - Bein HaMetzarim
It is customary to study about the Beis Hamikdash and the details of its construction during the Three Weeks. Discover how this is a way to actually fulfill the mitzvah nowadays of building the Beis Hamikdash. We see this in the passing of Aharon in this ...
It is now more than three years since my diagnosis of ALS.
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