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Tet: the ninth letter of the hebrew alphabet, pronounced "t," with a numerical value of nine
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Who would have expected that the least used letter of the alefbet could contain one of the greatest secrets of the universe? And who wouldn't have known that Rabbi Infinity could explain even that secret to a four-year old?
This class explains the mystical meanings of the Hebrew letters including the significance of the letters' names, their phonetic sounds, their graphic design, and even their corresponding numerical values.
The Kabbalah of the Three Weeks: a buried seed of goodness, a 21-day almond wood, walls that protect and walls that imprison, the pregnant Tet, and a cosmic birth that puts history to rights.
The ninth letter of the Hebrew alphabet
abraham Tet (ט) is the ninth letter of the Hebrew alphabet Numerical value: 9 Sound: "T" Meaning: Good or best Story Avraham Rothenberg, an Israeli descendant of the rabbinic dynasty of Gerer chassidim, had been a teacher in Brazil for five years. On one ...
We can’t assume that if trouble is happening, we will hear it. Rather, we must look around and see who isn’t making any noise, and try to figure out why not. Because sometimes it is the one not saying a word who is begging to be heard . . .
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