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Hey: the fifth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, prounounced "h," with a numerical value of 5
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Plunging further into the mysteries of the universe, Rabbi Infinity reveals the secret of deep cosmic breathing as he teaches little Miri the fifth letter of the alefbet.
A profound mystical exploration of the three Hebrew letters in the word Korach, which constitute a corrupted form of the holy letter Hei, and how this all relates to the fallacy of Korach’s argument.
Chassidic insights on the 10th and 11th of Shevat
A powerful excerpt of the Rebbe’s ‘Yud Shevat’ maamar (a mystical discourse) from the year 1957 (titled Basi LeGani 5717) expounding on the idea of restoring the letter ‘hei’ in G-d’s name and illuminating the depth behind speech and communication. The cl...
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This class explains the mystical meanings of the Hebrew letters including the significance of the letters' names, their phonetic sounds, their graphic design, and even their corresponding numerical values.
Letters and Numbers of Torah - Balak
One of the praises that Bilam says of the Jews is: (Numbers 23:24) "Behold, a people that rises like a lioness and raises itself like a lion." Rashi explains: "When [the Jewish people] awaken from their sleep... they show the vigor of a lioness and a lion...
Letters and Numbers of Torah - Vayigash
In the verse (Genesis 47:23) Joseph tells the Egptians: "Here is seed for you so you can plant the ground," the word for "here" is the same word as the name of the Hebrew letter "hei." What does the letter "hei" teach us about human reproduction?
Tzedakah—Lesson 1
Three Hebrew letters contain an encoded message explaining how tzedakah is really not charity but justice.
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