Eli Silberstein |
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Rabbi Eli Silberstein is director of Chabad of Ithaca, NY. He lectures on Talmudic law and Jewish mysticism and is author of JLI courses. Rabbi Silberstein is renowned for his vast knowledge of Jewish law, philosophy and kabbalah.
Why is it greater to do the act of קידושין oneself as opposed to a shliach?
Are תרומות and מעשרות the same by default?
Why can a minor give a מחצית השקל? A minor cannot gift property
Eating outside the Sukkah after the first night’s כזית
What’s the point of building a סוכה on the last day of sukkos even if one is not planning to eat?
The heir takes the place of the deceased
בגדר פסיק רישי׳
What’s the connection between adultery and idolatry?
Why Can the כהן Who Carries the שעיר לעזאזל Eat if He’s Feeling Weak?
Why Do Believe Someone Who Denies That He Did An Aveirah בשוגג Even Against עדים?
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