Rabbi Sholom DovBer; Translated by Eliyahu Touger SchneersonAuthors » S » Rabbi Sholom DovBer ("Rashab") Schneerson » Rabbi Sholom DovBer; Translated by Eliyahu Touger Schneerson
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To Know G-d
One of the classics in Chasidic literature, "Veyadaata" is renowned for its simple yet profound explanation of the oneness of G-d, while at the same time focusing on the challenges of day-to-day living, exploring ways in which one can receive the inner G-...
This is With regard to the contents of this chapter, see also the note to ch. 2, and Kuntres HaAvodah, chs. 3-4. an appropriate place - and it is a necessity - for me to draw attention to a matter concerning which many err, and which is a major cause of d...
At this point, I would also rouse you to study Kuntres HaTefillah Tract on Prayer (English translation, Kehot, N.Y., 5752). which was published previously. ([And the study should follow] the general principle of studying for the sake of application. When ...
And you, dear children, search your souls with a relentless search; perhaps you will find “a root flourishing with gall and wormwood” Cf. Devarim 29:17. that will lead to the undesirable approach to the study [described above]. If even a slight [propensit...
Be very careful with regard to your souls, [lest] you become [involved] in an undesirable [approach to] study. Do not associate with those whose fundamental intent in their studies and in their contemplation is to develop new insights and build intricate ...
And [for] you cherished children, [This passage is directed to the students of Yeshivas Tomchei Temimim] I have explained the general approach to the desired path of study. This is what we seek from your studies, each one according to his level. The essen...
When a student has a good and powerful intellectual potential, and a broad-minded outlook, he can study in a deeper manner; for example, [he can] analyze the wording of the Mishnah, focusing on [what would appear to be] the most succinct wording, what app...
In a simple sense, the knowledge [about which we are speaking is] to comprehend the halachah, [understanding] Rashi’s interpretation [of the relevant passages], [and] knowing the simple meaning without fooling oneself. [A student] should understand the mo...
Behold, the unfamiliar atmosphere [mentioned in ch. 23] “has conceived and has given birth to darkness,” Cf. Shmos Rabbah 15:22. allowing an approach to study that is totally undesirable to creep into the house of study. The greater sages of the earlier (...
Other words for [our]G-d. The Shaloh (p. 181a) In his tractate Shavuos,ch. Ner Mitzvah, entry HaYom HaZeh, Yom Mattan Torah. quotes the Midrash that a person who establishes fixed times for Torah study is considered as one who “forsakes the Torah.” The Sh...
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