
Litvin, Jay

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Jay was so much more than a contributing writer at Chabad.org. He was a leader who blazed new pathways, taking us to places no one had dared or even imagined visiting before.
You turn on the computer and this man appears, sits across the table from you for several hours, and shares something of his innermost self with you...
Jay Litvin was active in the social justice movements of the 1960s to the radioactive towns and villages of Ukraine and Belarus in the 1990s. And to many around the globe, he was a passionate Chassid, who shared his life, his struggles, his triumphs and h...
I am sitting here with tears streaming down my face. It is Friday afternoon. I don’t know what I am writing. I don’t know to whom I am writing. But I know I need to write. I just spent the past hour reading some of Jay’s articles. Then I read his past ema...
It is very unlike me to sit down and write something like this, and yet, I feel that I have an obligation to do so. I am a quiet person, who lives a quiet life, and until about a year ago there was nothing newsworthy or interesting about myself or my five...
I had been a seeker for many years by the time I knocked on the door of Lubavitch House...
"A relationship with G-d." "Connection with G-d." How many times in the last fifteen years have I written those words! But what do they mean? What do they really mean?
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