
Mountain Climbing

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Every day, I’m faced with the challenge of scaling my inner self, reaching the peak of my psycho-spiritual range, lifting myself from the base of life’s mountain. So, to properly guide my life, it’s actually helpful to get a better understanding of mounta...
Our group of twelve had come to Tanzania to tackle Mt. Meru, an extinct volcano that rises some 15,000 feet into the deep-blue African sky. We began this trip as individuals – but were to return as a single unit...
Why does the verse in these weeks Torah portion say "coming up to Timna," it seems superfluous? A timeless lesson in our daily struggle to be good.
Granted, Mount Sinai was no Everest. But G-d was coming down all the way from the heavens—couldn’t He have descended another few thousand feet, instead of making an octogenarian sage climb a mountainside?
When a man finds himself visited by the same recurring dream, his normal schedule begins to fall apart. Robbed of sleep, with his life taken over by the dream, he embarks on a quest of self-discovery to find out why the dream matters so much to him.
We were out of water. We were out of food. We barely had any battery left on the cell phone, and had no idea where we were, other than lost in the Vermont National Forest . . .
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