Moses |
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Moses: (a) (1393-1273 BCE) Greatest prophet to ever live. Son of Amram and Jochebed, younger brother of Miriam and Aaron. Born in Egypt and raised by Pharaoh’s daughter. Fled to Midian, where he married Zipporah. Deployed by G-d to Egypt to liberate the Israelites. Visited ten plagues upon Egypt, led the Israelites out, and transmitted to them the Torah at Mt. Sinai. Led the Israelites for forty years while they traveled in the desert, all the while performing astonishing miracles and wonders. Died in the Plains of Moab, and succeeded by his disciple Joshua. (b) A common Jewish name.
In Jewish tradition, humility was always considered one of the most exalted virtues.
We all have a little bit of Moses in us, and that comes with the ability to be selfless and humble.
"Hey, Danny, check out my muscles! You think you're the strongest? Well, you sure are mistaken!" Danny howled with laughter. "Ben, give me a break… You don't know what muscles are!..."
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