Fay Kranz Greene |
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Fay Kranz Greene was an emissary of the Rebbe for more than 30 years in Oak Park, MI; S. Diego, CA; and Richmond, Virginia. She was the managing editor of The Richmond Jewish News and is a frequent contributor to various Chabad publications and websites. Fay has recently moved to Crown Heights, after the passing of her husband, Joel Greene. Listen to: “Fay It Forward: The Fay Kranz Greene” podcast.
It’s rare that if you smile at someone, they won’t smile back at you.
Somehow, as soon as I mention my mother, inevitably, everyone accepts.
I don’t even remember their names any more, but I will never forget what they wrote.
We quickly realized that the water wasn’t hot. We filled it anyway, hoping that it would at least become lukewarm. Butit was not to be.
What’s wrong with the old, traditional braided challah?
My father's version is both melodic and mournful, complete with crashing crescendos and lilting liturgy. It is emotionally evocative of both the highs and lows in Jewish history...
It happened in the days of Achashverosh the King> A boor and a fool to boot> He made a great feast for the nations he ruled> To display his treasures and loot...
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