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Exploring Rashi’s commentary on the women’s unique weaving talent
Two important lessons for life that Rashi derives from the production of the Mishkan: 1) Use your talents well; 2) Be kind to all.
The soul of Shabbat
A new and deeply personal appreciation of Shabbat emerges as we examine: (a) the nature of work forbidden on Shabbat; (b) the connection between Shabbat and the construction of the Sanctuary; (c) why the Torah singles out the prohibition of kindling a fir...
Growing Weekly: Parshat Vayakhel-Pekudei
Why did Moses give a full audit of all the materials used in the construction of the mishkan (sanctuary)? Was Moses not trusted?
Parshah Curiosities: Vayakhel-Pekudei
Examining the commentaries on the seemingly redundant word “mishkan” (Tabernacle) reveals profound insight into the everlasting nature of the mishkan.
Study some of the highlights of the weekly Torah portion with insights from various commentaries.
The High Priest's apron-like garment called the "ephod" had gems over the shoulder straps with the names of the twelve tribes engraved in them. The classical sources differ as to the order in which the tribes were named on the jewels. A spiritual interpre...
Vayakhel-Pekudei Parshah Report
Jono reports live on location in front of a backdrop of Antarctica to demonstrate the need to take our Judaism with us everywhere. And Gefilte Fish wears a bow tie. Just watch the video...
Lyrics: B’nei Yisroel gathered and they heard Moshe told them Hashem’s word In six days all work you must do Shabbos is special for every Jew Even work for the mishkan On Shabbos kodesh must not be done This job was done by Betzalel Gifts were brought by ...
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