
Leisure & Entertainment

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My partner tells me I should spend more time chilling out, relaxing, and just enjoying life. And that I should do things purely for entertainment value.
People do dangerous things to experience a thrill. And so did your soul...
Cliff jumping is fraught with danger: One risks breaking bones on the jagged rocks, landing in shallow water or drowning in the mighty waves. Our spiritual jump is also risky...
In the Talmud, Sanhedrin 24b. the rabbis take a dim view about gambling. Besides being a risky enterprise financially, and addictive, the rabbis say that the winner is really a loser. Morally speaking that is. How so? Because the fellow with the inferior ...
Gambling implies that our life is random. That everything is up to luck, and that nothing we do can necessarily create or prevent our outcome...
Question: I am now returning to a life of Torah and have been given different answers to whether or not observant Jews watch movies. Is there a reason not to, and if so, should I quit going to the theater or even watching movies at home? Response: I under...
Are Jews allowed to purchase tickets? Get the inside scoop on playing lotto in Jewish law.
My connection to Shavuot
When my two young sons grew older and less dependent on me, I realized that between work and managing a home, there was a part of me that craved something additional. Something I knew I possessed but felt was not being cultivated sufficiently . . .
Without electronic stimulation or distraction. Face to face. Games and other fun activities can help us to relate to one another in fun, new ways. Here is a list of some entertaining Shabbat activities to get you started...
A Kabbalistic understanding
“Lights . . . Camera . . . Action!” As the viewer sits mesmerized, his eyes glued to the screen, he is transferred from the reality of his own gray...
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