
Nisayon ("Test")

Knowledge Base » G-d and Man » Nisayon ("Test")
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The Jews tested G-d, and incurred His wrath. But G-d Himself set the example, by testing Abraham. Is this hypocrisy?
Overcoming Challenge
How to exercise "mind over matter" in facing life's challenges. Also, the ritual hand washing is used as a model for striking balance between intellect and emotion.
There’s something clearly pointing me in a specific direction. How do I know if it’s a sign from G‑d saying “This is what I want you to do”—or a test to see whether I can withstand the pressure?
I like to believe that there is a song to the universe. That beyond the daily hustle and bustle, there is a tune to which life is playing, and that our task is to learn the rhythm of the Divine plan and fall into step with it.
It seems that the old adage “money can’t buy happiness” has some truth to it. Although wealth has as much as tripled over the past fifty years, mental illness has increased at an equal rate.
Is it indeed inappropriate to scale back on charitable disbursements when times are tough, when we are curtailing our spending in so many other lifestyle areas?
Sharing the heart’s power to heal after the devastating loss of a child
"I feel I have joined a very exclusive club," Gershon pauses, "whose admission price is very steep. A club that allows you a special relationship with G‑d."
When did G‑d stop talking to us or interacting with us, and why?
She's only seven years old, and the doctors say she has lost her battle with cystic fibrosis, that she will live only a few more weeks. But for some reason, nobody has stopped praying...
Your own imagination can’t burn you, can it? So Rabbi Infinity teaches you how to be the master over your own desires.
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