
Debating with G-d

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Keeping the faith in light of the heavier things
As a mother, I see myself as a gatekeeper of my children’s innocence. I do my best to protect them, body, mind, and soul. But life has a way of incessantly usurping my control over the content to which they are exposed...
Doesn't G‑d already know what we're going to say?
What about when it is the great-grandparents mourning their great-grandchildren? When it is a three-month-old baby in Israel with her throat slashed by a terrorist, or a two-year-old orphaned on his birthday in Mumbai, or the siblings of a nine-year-old b...
When I hear the word "religion," I instinctively cringe. My stomach turns. My hands become clammy. My throat dry. On occasion, I have been known to break out in hives. This tends to confuse people who know me as a Torah observant Jewish woman...
The wait is up! KabbalaLabs Inc. finally releases a consumer version of their unique Isifier, including a comprehensive video tutorial. Miri and Feivel begin their journey exploring the kabbalistic secrets of isificatedness.
Shouldn't G‑d be held accountable for all the suffering that He is aware of, and certainly is in the position to ameliorate? G‑d should be required to answer for His "missteps"—at least as they impact our lives!
If we believe that all tragedies are perfectly good, why do we ask G‑d to protect us from them? Why do we trust G‑d to protect us from tragedy and thus deny us the perfect goodness we would have gained from it?
We cannot accept the cowardly theology that G-d is not responsible -- that anything that happens in the world that doesn't mesh with our idea of His goodness is just an amoral and indifferent act of nature...
She's only seven years old, and the doctors say she has lost her battle with cystic fibrosis, that she will live only a few more weeks. But for some reason, nobody has stopped praying...
Why did Abraham protest so strongly on behalf of a handful of lowlife Sodomites, and yet submitted silently when commanded to sacrifice his own son?
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