
Three of Rebuke

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Trilogy of Tribulations - Part II
In the second haftorah of the “Trilogy of Tribulations” we learn how the prophet Jeremiah’s rebuke of his contemporaries can teach us today how to turn criticism into a powerful catalyst for change.
Trilogy of Tribulations - Part I
In the first of the “Trilogy of Tribulations,” Jeremiah describes his inauguration as prophet. Although his first prophecy is one of impending doom, it contains within it a hidden message about the power to transform mourning into joy.
Trilogy of Tribulations - Part III
In the third haftorah of the “Trilogy of Tribulations,” we learn how Isaiah’s prophecy contains a hidden lesson about our power to visualize and manifest our greatest hopes and dreams.
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The Shabbat Before Tisha B'Av Is Unique
The Shabbat before the Ninth of Av is called Shabbat Chazon ("Shabbat of Vision") after the opening words of the day's reading from the prophets ("haftara"), which is the third of the series of readings known as "The Three of Rebuke." On this Shabbat, say...
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