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What divorce teaches about marriage
Many of the Torah’s laws of marriage are derived from the passage (Deuteronomy 24:1–4) legislating divorce. Isn’t that kinda . . . strange?
Marriage in Jewish thought is not two people working together towards the same cause; it is the merging of two beings into one.
Judaism’s perspective and insight into the profound meaning, beauty, romance and mystery of marriage can be discovered by exploring the meaning behind the seemingly technical details of the law.
Every verse in the Torah is meant to be understood on many levels. When we look deeper into this verse, we can learn lessons that apply to all of us, even to someone who doesn’t own a house.
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Isn’t Love Natural?
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Demystifying the Jewish Wedding Procedure
How the giving of the Torah forever transformed the nature of marriage and simultaneously the relationship between G-d and His people. (Likutei Sichos vol. 39, Ki Seitzei: Sicha 3)
According to the School of Shammai, if your spouse is unfaithful; according to the School of Hillel, a burnt supper is grounds; Rabbi Akiva says, "even if he found another more beautiful than she."
Analysis of two halachic perspectives on marriage; teach us about two dimensions of our relationship with G-d. (Based on Likkutei Sichos vol. 19 Ki-Teitzei)
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