
Shofar Sounding at the end of Yom Kippur

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The Sabbatical and Jubilee year represent an even greater fusion of the infinite and finite than the weekly Shabbat.
The Sabbatical and Jubilee year represent an even greater fusion of the infinite and finite than the weekly Shabbat.
There are a number of reasons given for blowing the shofar at this time. Here are some of them . . .
Echoes of a Shofar
Eyewitnesses share their personal stories of how Jews valiantly resisted the British ban on sounding the shofar at the Western Wall from 1930-1947.
What to do? Where to be? What not to do? We've assembled all the Yom Kippur basics on one easy-to-read page.
Could we possibly forgo the sounding of the shofar, which symbolizes the redemption of Israel? For me, it was unthinkable
Your friendly guide to the Yom Kippur services.
A friendly step-by-step guide to the synagogue services, starting with what to wear and where to sit, and ending with the shofar blast and the breakfast.
Here’s your chance to rethink some things that “everyone knows” about the holy day.
Yom Kippur is the Day of Atonement, when we are closest to G‑d and most connected to the essence of our souls.
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