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Nutrition from Shamayim
Can the New Year for Trees be a time for reflecting on the mitzvah of taking care of our health? Learn more about the meaning of Tu B’Shevat, and some of the health and healing properties of the fruits mentioned in Deuteronomy 8:8: “A land of wheat, barle...
Something Spiritual on Parshat Eikev
An Olive Tasting Presentation
The bitter olive is artfully cured in many creative ways to offer all types of tasty olives. Join Rabbi Chana Gans for a tasting presentation on how he produces his own line of delicious olives and shares his experience in olive curing.
Why Olives Are the Ultimate Jewish Fruit
After tracing the origins and relevance of the New Year for Trees, Rabbi Kaplan explores the special significance of the bitter olive and its profound symbolism for us to persevere and flourish as Jews.
How to Make Great Coffee
Rabbi Shaul shows us that after a great workout, there's nothing like a great cup of coffee. L'chaim!
A glimpse into the Rebbe’s positive outlook toward every Jew.
Carrying a backpack full of apples on his back, Rabbi Shaul rides in on a motorcycle to make applesauce with the kids. In Europe, it's called "compote."
Insights into Wine at Jewish Rituals
A fun exploration of the uses of wine at Jewish rituals including Shabbat, festivals, weddings and more. L’chaim!
Hands-On Demonstration
Children participate in a hands-on demonstration of how to make olive oil to light the menorah on Chanukah. A workshop by Rabbi Michoel Albukerk from Tzivos Hashem Crafts Workshops
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