
Amalek, Battle with

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Amalek (56)
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An Essay on Parshat Zachor
Fundamental hatred does not derive from any reason whatsoever, nor does it end when the hater recognizes and is rationally aware of the other's virtues.
Letters and Numbers of Torah - Beshalach
After fighting a war with the nation of Amalek, Moses says (Exodus 17:16) “There is a hand on the throne of G-d [swearing] that there shall be a war of G-d against Amalek from generation to generation.” In this verse, G-d's four-letter name is missing the...
A Taste of Text—Beshalach
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Here was a nation that had experienced the greatest miracles of all time: the ten plagues, the splitting of the Red Sea and the manna. And yet they were not impervious to the plague of doubt . . .
It’s best to walk away from a fight. Except when the enemy threatens one’s holiest possession. (Parsha Perks | Beshalach | with Dr Michael Chighel)
Exploring Rashi’s commentary on the statement to battle Amalek
No sooner had the Jews left Egypt, Amalek attacked us. Rashi offers a fascinating insight into G-d’s eternal war on this rogue nation, plus a powerful personal take-home lesson.
Aaron personified kindness. His life’s work was the endless and vigorous promotion of peace.
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