
Breaking of the Tablets

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Why Moses broke the tablets, and its everlasting message for each of us
Parshah Curiosities: Ki Tisa
Upon learning of the grave sin of the golden calf, Moses descends the mountain and breaks the tablets. Why the need to break the tablets, instead of simply not giving them to the Jewish people?
It was his most courageous act. But what did it achieve?
He had always been known as the faithful servant. But this time his words were brash. Brazen. Almost impudent. Dangerously so.
Does morality have any influence on a person's physical strength? A new discovery by scientists reflects ancient wisdom on the subject while providing new insight into a curious yet popular Jewish expression of appreciation.
After reading this brave boy's words, I couldn't help but wonder: how could such a young boy demonstrate this inner fortitude in a moment of so much anguish?
Fed up with the corruption and immorality he had seen at Pharaoh's palace, Moses had all but given up on bettering the world. He had come to terms with living the life of a private citizen, and began to focus on making local, instead of global, difference...
Our spiritual awakening in Step 12 takes us back to the very First Step; it reminds us how the spiritual lives we now have began out of darkness, chaos and void. It is now our job to once again transform our lives with light, order and fulfillment.
The fast of the 17th of Tammuz commemorates five tragic events that occurred on that date. The first dates back to the times of Moses . . .
This class explores the reasons why Moshe broke the luchos, the tablets, and the positive he meant to accomplish through their breaking.
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