Kabbalat Shabbat |
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Kabbalat Shabbat: the Friday evening service that welcomes the incoming Shabbat
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Welcoming the Bride With Prayer and Song
Prayer is not just another item on Shabbat’s task list; it’s part of the day’s definition. Without the pressures of the workweek, we become more contemplative and focused—just the state required for real prayer.
Kabbalat Shabbat, a series of psalms and prayers, joyously welcomes the Shabbat Queen at Friday night services.
Four contributions from the Kabbalists of Tzefat to enhance the Shabbat experience
Four contributions from the Kabbalists of Tzefat to enhance the Shabbat experience
Question: I regularly attend Friday night services. When we sing the beautiful song, "Lecha Dodi," everyone turns around for the last verse. My 10 year old son asked me why, but I didn't have an answer. Answer: We turn around for the verse in which we wel...
Jewish pride in a death camp
Another violent blow landed on my other cheek. “You are still praying?” the Blockelteste asked. Her face was crimson, contorted from fury, her eyes bloodshot. A sudden Jewish pride arose within me, like a pillar of smoke rising from a chimney . . .
The Friday night "Shabbat greeting" prayers have been legendary throughout the ages for their poetry and haunting and joyful melodies
Mystical hymn to Shabbat
Mystical hymn to Shabbat
Song of Songs on Friday evening in the little Moroccan shul on Shimshon Street in Jerusalem is a string of multiple solo performances.
What do you know about this uplifting prayer?
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