
Journey through the Desert, The Israelites'

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A taste of Shazak Parsha, where the weekly Torah portion comes alive! Geared for kids... Great for adults!
Parshah Curiosities: Behaalotecha
An intriguing overview of the biblical account of the Sinai desert journeys led by the Ark of G-d segues into two of the most famous yet least understood verses in the entire Chumash. It was with this formula that Moses prayerfully petitioned G-d for our ...
Parsha Bahaalotecha
"So it was, whenever the ark set out, Moses would say, 'Arise, O Lord, may Your enemies be scattered and may those who hate You flee from You." What is the difference between "Your enemies" and "those who hate You"? An analysis of Rashi's commentary on Nu...
Soul Boost for Parshat Eikev
What exactly was the mannah? What did it taste like? What did it look like? Was it really necessary? And was any of it preserved?
Parshah Curiosities: Beshalach
What exactly was the heavenly food called manna, and what does it represent? Discover its meaning and relevance for us living in the 21st century.
Only after a week of eating the manna in the desert did the Jewish people give it a name. Why did they wait that long? In answering this question, this class will explain the deeper connection between manna and the Sabbath, inasmuch that the Jewish people...
Parsha Beshalach
Manna, the bread from heaven consumed by the Jewish people for forty years in the wilderness, is superior to regular bread in three specific ways. These three qualities may also be compared to the qualities of Shabbat, the day of rest. (Based on Likkutei ...
Lesson 5: Miriam’s Eternal Legacy
In this final class of the series, we learn about the powerful symbolism of the “Well of Miriam”—a lifegiving spring of water that followed the Jewish people in the wilderness in the merit of Miriam.
Learning Likutei Sichos vol. 16, Beshalach sicha 3
The teaching of Shabbos in the Manna narrative signifies a commonality. Learn a revolutionary perspective on how a Jewish person should approach earning a living.
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