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The mitzvah of counting the Omer is to count the days from Passover until Shavuos, when the Omer offering was brought in the Temple. Each day has a purpose. Whether it leads up to the Omer offering or it is an ordinary day of life, we must look at the clo...
The 'Three Weeks', the Three Temples and the Number 3 in Torah
Life Lessons from Parshat Shemini
The name of this Torah portion means eight, which is extremely special and central in Judaism. Explore the significance and the many areas where this number is expressed throughout Jewish life.
Letters and Numbers of the Festivals—Purim
What is the difference between Purim, which is celebrated on the 14th day of the month, and Passover and Sukkot which are celebrated on the 15th day of their respective months? The answer lies in the fact that the number fourteen in Hebrew is represented ...
Why did the menorah in the Temple only have 7 candles?
Learning Likutei Sichos vol. 17, Shemini (sicha 1)
The goal of Judaism is to make the most infinite Divine a comfortable, relatable reality.
Something Spiritual on Parshat Yitro
The saddest period in the Jewish calendar, when we mourn the destruction of the Holy Temple – amongst a litany of other national tragedies – is commonly referred to as 'The Three Weeks'. Yet, our Sages referred to this period as '21 Days'? The answer to t...
Chassidic insights on the 10th and 11th of Shevat
A powerful excerpt of the Rebbe’s ‘Yud Shevat’ maamar (a mystical discourse) from the year 1957 (titled Basi LeGani 5717) expounding on the idea of restoring the letter ‘hei’ in G-d’s name and illuminating the depth behind speech and communication. The cl...
Letters and Numbers of Torah - Eikev
In the verse "And now, O Israel, what does the Lord, your G-d, demand of you?" (Deuteronomy 10:12) the word for "what" (mah) can be read as "hundred" (meiah) by adding a letter alef. What does it mean that G-d asks for a "hundred" from us? Where does the ...
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