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I was in a bit of a hurry, so I didn’t get into it, but I would still like to know: what is the story with electric menorahs?
Although the halachic authorities concur that electricity per se is not considered fire, it is nevertheless universally agreed upon that one may not operate electrical appliances on Shabbat. There are various reasons offered for this...
It's as if you would ask the Creator, a billion times a second, "Seeing what's become of it, would you do it all over again?"
A love relationship can thus be compared to an electrical circuit: should the resistance fall, the circuit will “short” and burn out.
In Torah, as in nature, there are exoteric and esoteric forces; one hundred and ninety-eight years ago, one of the latter electrified Jewish life
An enlightening bedtime conversation between a mommy and a baby lamp
“Lights”: A short animation tackling the question of faith, with metaphor, to illuminate the subject in a fun, light, and yet profound way.
It is an age-old Jewish custom to find meaning in everything that occurs in one’s life. The Mishnah states: “Who is wise? One who learns from every person.” The Baal Shem Tov extrapolated this idea to apply to every single occurrence and detail. This rela...
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