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Looking Beyond the Labels
Our strength as a people has always lied in our unity, but what is the key to transcending our differences? Rabbi Yitzchok Schochet explores the danger of religious prejudice and judgmental tendencies, and the fundamental imperative to foster loving respe...
A Taste of Text—Nitzavim
How can we truly unite with another? Only by realizing that every person has a quality that is unique that only he or she can contribute.
The High Priest's apron-like garment called the "ephod" had gems over the shoulder straps with the names of the twelve tribes engraved in them. The classical sources differ as to the order in which the tribes were named on the jewels. A spiritual interpre...
A fresh batch of delicious--but forbidden--cookies... A few mischievous and hungry children... Is the combination of these two ingredients a recipe for disaster? Or a precious lesson in the baking...?
How to Combat Absolute Evil
Is there someone whom you have something against? A grudge, or a hurt that you harbor in your heart? Isn't it time we all got past our petty limitations to find the connecting threads of unity that connect us all?
Learning Likutei Sichos vol. 19, Sukkos sicha 2
Explore the inner dimension of Sukkah and Lulav, and how they represent two types of unity, two ways to impact the world, and two ways to bring Moshiach.
What we should all consider about the election.
Something Spiritual on Parshat Naso
Something Spiritual on Parshat Yitro
We all struggle with our egos, our need for attention. To “make it” we try to stand out and be significant. Paradoxically, we experience tremendous joy and holiness when we can unite with our brothers and sisters. There are special times and ways of celeb...
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